Quilt Sunday

Colorful quilts that graced the sanctuary on Sunday, May 8 - beautiful creations that were put together by Piece Corps members that involves a lot of volunteer help. Almost all material is donated, either from people’s craft closet cleaning binges, or great garage sale finds. Material is cut into 22-inch pieces, bundled together with fabrics of similar colors and designs along with a set of instructions, and placed in a clear bin by the door in Crary Hall. Anyone may take these home and sew them together to make quilt tops. These tops are then “sandwiched” with batting and a backing. You will hear the sewing machines running on Wednesday mornings from 9-11:30, as the three layers become one. Finally, the quilts are tied, so they hold together well during their life of use. Twice a year we send about 200 quilts to Lutheran World Relief (LWR) during their ingathering. Right now the need is acute, as LWR responds not only to disasters, but also to Ukraine relief. Many, many thanks to all who helped make these quilts, And consider this an open invitation to check out Piece Corps and put your nimble fingers to work.


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