Why is the Farm Bill Important to Us?

In March members of Good Shepherd participated in a nationwide letter writing effort by Christian Advocates to strengthen the Farm Bill, which is up for reauthorization this year. This bill plays an important role in ensuring that people in the United States and in other countries have access to the food they need. Hunger and poverty have been on the rise worldwide for the last few years after trending downward for a generation. As children of God, we are called to seek justice for those without enough food to feed their families. ELCA bishops from synods in Alaska, Washington, Idaho and Oregon addressed a letter to Congress expressing their concerns and asking that a just and environmentally sustainable farm bill without cuts to vital food programs be passed this year. You are invited to tune into this online Farm Bill Conversation on Thursday, June 13, 6-7:30 pm in which the bishops interact with individuals who are affected by the Farm Bill. Registration is required. See info graphic below for more details. Register at bit.ly/WhyFarmBill.


Christian Nationalism May 19 Forum